Plein la Vue
A film by Philippe Lyon, 2017-
Genre: Comedy
Language: French
Subtitles: xxx
Format: xxx
Sound: xxx
Duration: 83 min
Countries: Belgium, France
Year: 2017
-Karim and Dylan, two offenders sentenced to two months of General Interest Work in a centre for the visually impaired, train a team of blind footballers for a Cécifoot game in order to get the centre out of the financial disaster.
-Director: Philippe Lyon
Screenplay: Philippe Lyon
Image: Benoît Dervaux
Sound: Olivier Struye
Production Designer: Paul Rouschop
Costumes: Claudine Tychon
Make-up: Sandra Campisi
Editing: Philippe Bourgueil
Music: Les Sages Poètes de la Rue
Cast: Isabelle Vitari, Zacharie Chasseriaud, Ahmed Dramé
Produced by Tarantula Belgium and Las Niñas Pictures (France).
Liège International Comedy Film Festival